关于「 Protection」的内容列表

The China Consumers Association announced the top ten consumer rights protection hotspots in 2024, involving issues such as "string rooms" and "lantern loss assessment"

On March 15th, today, the China Consumer Association announced the top ten consumer rights protection public opinion hotspots in 2024, involving the following outstanding issues of consumer rights protection: ① "Professional store closures" help merchants run away and harm consumers; ② Concert "wrong goods" and "pillar tickets" affect consumer experience; ③ Automatic renewal service "hidden mystery" was complained by consumers; ④ Consumers questioned the platform's big data "kill"; ⑤ D...

2025-03-15 02:32:19

Apple 已针对英国用户移除其 Advanced Data Protection(高级数据保护)云加密功能。该决定是对英国监管要求的回应,但 Apple 明确表示“永远不会”为用户数据建立后门。 此前消息,据华盛顿邮报报道,英国内政部向苹果公司发出“技术能力通知”,要求其提供用户加密数据访问权限。知情人士透露,英国政府要求苹果设置“后门”,以获取用户存储在云端的全部内容。

2025-02-21 15:26:35
Sources: U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau expands layoffs

Another class of employees at the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) received termination notices on Thursday, according to five sources and the termination letter, suggesting the Trump administration is firing federal employees more than just probation period employees. The notices were sent to dozens of so-called "fixed-term employees," all full-time employees with contracts with termination dates. The notices show the termination letters, dated Feb. 13, were sent by Adam Martine...

2025-02-14 01:46:50
The US customs has stepped up its crackdown on ASIC mining machines

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is ramping up its seizure of Bitcoin ASIC miners, including MicroBT and Canaan devices. CBP last year seized Bitmain Antminer S21 and T21 miners on suspicion that they contained AI chips from restricted chipmaker Sophgo. The seizure is based on 19 USC 1595a (c) (2) (A) and involves unauthorized communications equipment and equipment not certified by the FCC.

2025-02-13 18:25:07
Uniswap announces that its mobile wallet has integrated Flashbots protection

Uniswap Labs has announced that its mobile wallet has integrated Flashbots protection to provide automatic protection for all transactions on the Ethereum network, effectively protecting against MEV attacks such as front-running and sandwich attacks.

2025-01-23 03:37:35
Brazil's national data protection authority is monitoring World's activities on the ground

A notice issued by Brazil's national data protection authority, ANPD, says it is actively monitoring the activities of World (formerly Worldcoin) in Brazil. Given the risks of processing biometric data, the agency requested information on the tasks performed by the company and launched an investigation into the company's inner workings and the whereabouts of private biometric data. World started operations in Brazil last November and says more than 150,000 people have participated in the project...

2025-01-22 05:44:52
South Korea handles cryptocurrency "pull-up shipments" case under new law for the first time

South Korea's Financial Services Commission (FSC) has reported its first case of unfair trading under the Virtual Asset User Protection Act, which came into effect in July 2024 and requires local virtual asset service providers (VASPs) to report unusual trading and investigate unfair trading patterns. According to the FSC, the suspect used a "pump and dump" technique to manipulate the market, artificially inflating the price of a cryptocurrency by initiating multiple payers, and then selling a l...

2025-01-16 10:19:40
Data: Bitcoin hash rate hits a record high of 1,000 EH/s

According to CoinWarz data, the Bitcoin hash rate (the total computing power that protects the Bitcoin network) reached an all-time high of 1,000 EH/s on January 3, which is almost double the network hash rate 12 months ago. As of now, the Bitcoin hash rate is 809.3 EH/s.

2025-01-04 02:00:28
Bitcoin hash rate hits record high

According to CoinWarz data, the Bitcoin hash rate (the total computing power that protects the Bitcoin network) reached an all-time high of 1,000 EH/s on January 3, which is almost double the network's hash rate 12 months earlier. CoinWarz data shows that in January 2024, Bitcoin's hash rate hovered around 510 EH/s. As of press time, Bitcoin's hash rate has fallen back to around 780 EH/s.

2025-01-03 22:26:10
Elon Musk: The Federal Reserve is seriously overstaffed

Mr. Musk wrote on social media platform X that the Federal Reserve, which protects the world's largest economy, was "severely overstaffed", following a series of discussions over a post about the Fed's latest policy decisions.

2024-12-23 12:32:55
Italy fines OpenAI 15 million euros for breaching privacy rules

The Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante) announced on December 20 that it has fined ChatGPT manufacturer OpenAI 15 million euros (about $15.58 million) after concluding its investigation into the use of personal data by generative artificial intelligence applications. Garante said it found that OpenAI processed users' personal data in order to train ChatGPT without sufficient legal basis, in violation of the principle of transparency and related information obligations to users.

2024-12-20 12:55:27
German regulator orders Worldcoin to delete human eye biometric data

The German regulator, the Bavarian State Data Protection Supervisory Office, has ordered Worldcoin's human verification project to delete biometric data collected through eye scans. Worldcoin says it has changed its processes, and the German regulator's findings largely relate to outdated operations and technologies that were replaced in 2024. The Bavarian State Data Protection Regulatory Office concluded an investigation that began in April 2023, in a statement on Wednesday.

2024-12-19 17:30:01
Data: As of December 5, the cumulative income of bitcoin miners 71.49 billion dollars

Glassnode said in a post on the X platform that as of December 5, bitcoin miners have accumulated $71.49 billion for protecting cyber security and processing transactions. The block reward income is $67.31 billion, and the transaction fee income is $4.18 billion.

2024-12-12 10:51:18
Data: As of December 5, the cumulative income of bitcoin miners 71.49 billion dollars

GlassNode said in a post on X that as of December 5, bitcoin miners have accumulated $71.49 billion for protecting cyber security and processing transactions. The block reward income is $67.31 billion, and the transaction fee income is $4.18 billion.

2024-12-12 10:27:10

7x24 快讯

09:38 2025-03-15
观点:美国GENIUS Act稳定币法案或致美元私有化并面临去美元化风险
3月15日消息,据Cointelegraph报道,美国参议院银行委员会投票通过监管稳定币发行方的法案GENIUS Act,为稳定币作为一种支付手段在加密货币交易领域之外的采用扫清道路,但该法案或将引发美元潜在的私有化,同时或将提升去美元化风险,因为该法案允许稳定币发行方将不受与信用卡和点对点支付平台相同的联...
09:31 2025-03-15
Astar zkEVM拟于近期关停,建议用户在4月1日前提取资产
3月15日消息,Astar Network在X平台发文宣布,Astar zkEVM网络关停日期逐渐临近,建议用户在4月1日前提取所有资产。
09:22 2025-03-15
据Onchain Lens监测,某新建钱包过去2天从币安积累1215万枚SHELL,价值349万美元。
09:19 2025-03-15
据官方公告,币安表示已收到近期虚假短信诈骗的用户报告,发现巴林地区的用户尤其容易成为目标。 币安提醒绝不会通过电话联系用户,也不运营任何呼叫中心,短信仅用于发送OTP代码,不附带呼叫中心号码,唯一可信赖...
09:13 2025-03-15
08:52 2025-03-15
08:52 2025-03-15
Equilibria:已扩展至 Sonic 生态
08:16 2025-03-15
据 Cointelegraph 报道,美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀的无人机组合出了有史以来最大的比特币符号,由 Gemini 创造了吉尼斯世界纪录。
07:54 2025-03-15
3月15日消息,据 News.bitcoin 报道,由 15 家中央银行支持的泛非支付与结算系统(PAPSS),正在试点一个货币平台,以便国家可以使用本地货币结算贸易。据路透社报道,该平台被称为非洲货币市场,计划在今年晚些时候推出。非洲货币平台的计划推出预计将有助于促进非洲内部贸易。 非洲货币平台的试点和计划推出恰逢一些非洲国家推进去美...
07:33 2025-03-15
07:33 2025-03-15
亿万富豪Marc Lasry:特朗普政策不确定性冲击之下,经济可能无法幸免地陷入衰退
Avenue Capital Group联合创始人、亿万富豪MarcLasry表示,唐纳德·特朗普政策的不确定性,尤其是关税政策,阻碍了想利用市场机会的投资者。 当市场不知道该做什么的时候,那就是个问题了,65岁的Lasry周五在纽约大学的信贷机会研讨会上表示。在这样的情况下,一个经济体是无法幸免的,这样只会导致一切都放缓,可能令经济陷入衰退。(金十)
06:56 2025-03-15
10x Research:比特币或再次进入8个月震荡期,市场缺乏“逢低买入”动能
10x Research 研究主管 Markus Thielen 表示,比特币可能会重演 2024 年的走势,在创下历史新高后进入长时间的震荡整理阶段。他指出,目前比特币的技术图形呈现出“高位紧旗形”形态,通常被认为是看涨延续模式,但当前结构显示出一定的疲软迹象,表明市场处于不确...